A message to the future educator: It’s not about being labeled as an “easy grader” or a “strict teacher.” The essence of assessment goes beyond such comparisons. As teachers, we aren’t here to catch students off guard or set traps with tricky questions. The real purpose of assessment is to uncover what students have truly learned, providing a clear picture for both us and them of their progress and understanding.
Assessment plays a crucial role in instruction, guiding us to see if educational goals are being met. It impacts everything. It prompts us to ask essential questions: “Are we teaching what we intend to teach?” “Are students learning what they’re meant to learn?” “Can we improve our teaching methods to enhance student learning?”
Today’s students need more than just the basics of reading and math; they must develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to draw inferences. As the world around us evolves, so do the learning goals we set, which in turn shift the relationship between assessment and instruction. It is vital for teachers to engage actively in shaping the purpose of assessments and determining what content to evaluate.
Follow me as I navigate the various milestones and experiences that have defined my path as an educator.
Below are the glimpses of my works from EDUC 4 - Assessment of Learning in my PNU-CTP journey.
It's important to remember that assessment is not static, but an action-an ongoing formative process to ensure dill students are getting what they need.